Help for children in Nigeria

4 245 zł  z 10 000 zł (Cel)
Wpłaciło 11 osób
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We are writing to all people over around the world on behalf of " A & A Rainbow for Nigeria" an entity set to salvage part of some communities in Nigeria to help the vulnerable most especially children who are in dire need of food / shelter for  survival.

Recently, precisely at August and September there was a reported case of a heavy downpour which culminated to flood and washed away many houses in some communities, rendering people homeless, claims lives , push people to starvation out of which larger percentage of the inhabitants were children and women .

Moreover , there's also a current intense trend of hunger in some communities here which causes horrific and continuous trouble to the families who lack resources to buy food and other basic needs to their children/dependants
 due to factual reason of being jobless or inconsistent payment of their
 wages expected to be paid after rendering their services to their employers which in turn seems not consistent. Sometimes 3- 4 months no pay and yet they still put in their best at work anticipating payment ( as most of them are unskilled workers: doing hard labor job with little pay and yet without consistent payment plan) hence causing many of their children to become stunted ( if not worse) due to malnutrition, some uncontrollable sickness because of hunger and many more negative factors.

We as advocates for campaign against hunger, poverty reduction and acknowledging human values, we are humbly appealing to our beloved brothers and sisters around the " WORLD which is based on values presented in the Holy scriptures that exhort the care of the widow, the orphan , the poor and the destitute " to please as a matter of urgency attend to the need and cries of the affected communities presented therein, as there is no joy or nobility in a society that turns it back on it most vulnerable persons . It cost more to turn our backs than to address the tragedy of hunger. Together we can put smiles on the faces of these affected families in any little way we could...

Now we are doing all what we can to give food but with your help we could to do more and we could to feed more children and women..

May God bless you all for every donation. Every cent is a chance to feed our poor sisters and brothers. Every cent a chance to feed children and every cent is a chance to survive.

Who we are?

The "A & A Rainbow For Nigeria" Foundation has adopted the main goal of protecting children in Nigeria, their mothers and the elderly. We want to fight the ubiquitous hunger, poverty, lack of basic medical care and lack of education. We want to give succour to children suffering from abject hunger and we want to give them a chance for a normal life. We want to create a feeding program so that no child has to go to bed hungry. It is also very important for us to provide medical care to sick children and pregnant women and to give children a chance to get an education by implementing the Adoption of the Heart program and finding caregivers for them who will support them and become their patrons.

Today we want to tell you who we are, how the idea of establishing our Foundation was born and why we want to help on a large scale.

My name is Joanna. I am a Polish citizen and also a single mother of two. I live in Poland and have been working as an accountant for 23 years. For several years I have been working for charity at the Hidden Dreams Foundation, which helps in the treatment and rehabilitation of children and implementation of aid programs for Polish families from EU funds. I am the Founder of the "A & A Rainbow For Nigeria" Foundation and for over a month I have been "fighting" bureaucracy to officially register the Foundation.

And the second person running the Foundation concurrently with me is Adam from Nigeria. He is a chartered accountant with honors in finance and economics and runs a tax and financial consult office and other general services contracts in Nigeria. Adam is a man who puts the good of others above his own interest and selflessly helps the vulnerable families most experienced by fate. It is Adam and other volunteers who coordinate our activities in Nigeria, visits the communities affected by the flood, collects information about needs, locates the homeless and provides (with the help of other volunteers) humanitarian assistance where it is most urgently needed.

Together, we form a harmonious team and act as one. Together, we devise plans and implement them. Currently, we put together with our own funds to help the victims and donations received from people supporting us through interacting on the portal attached to our Facebook official page and from friends who show good humanitarian assistance to the kids suffering from hunger.

Why is Rainbow in our name? Because we want to disengage the old meaning symbol. We want to give the rainbow its symbolic meaning again. The rainbow has for centuries symbolized the new era, hope and change for the better; it was also considered a symbol of peace. We want our Rainbow, our Foundation, to give hope to the exposed families most especially kids to be hunger free, to change the difficulties inherent in the existence of Nigerian children and women for the better, and to give the children the chance to complete their education, to become good citizens who will change the country into a future prosperous and economically developed state. Because these children are the future of Nigeria!

There is another reason that our Foundation has a rainbow in its name. Well, on the day when we gave hope to the first Nigerian family for the first time, despite the heavy rain the sun suddenly came out over my house and its rays radiated a beautiful, colorful arch above my head and this shows a sign of hope, peace and a symbol of change for a better tomorrow for thousands of children around the world.

For the "A & A Rainbow For Nigeria" Foundation there are no limits ... There are no divisions for us - skin color, origin or religion does not matter to us. The most important for us are children and women - protecting their lives and saving them from hunger. Because the highest value is human being, not skin color not religion! Helping the starving persons, the sick and displaced/homeless kids is a sign of humanity and showing integrated love to the less privileged. Doing good is our priority and we expect nothing in return. The most valuable return of payment or reciprocating our gesture back for us is happiness and smile on the faces of children and women.

At the "A & A Rainbow For Nigeria" Foundation there is no white woman or dark-skinned man, no Polish or Nigerian. Our Foundation has two people who want to change the world and infect others with goodness and tolerate all irrespective of religion, skin or ethnic extraction.

However, A&A Rainbow For Nigeria cannot exist without you, people of good will. So please, forget about the borders, forget about the black and white divisions and join us, support our activities for the goodness of humanity. Help us to save these children from hunger and donate at least PLN 1, 1 USD, 1 EURO, 1 GBP or any other currency. Lowest denomination of any country’s currency is a small sum for all of us, but a thousands people and a thousands such zlotys, dollars, euros, pounds, etc. will give us a chance to save hundreds of children from hunger.

4 245 zł  z 10 000 zł (Cel)
Wpłaciło 11 osób
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Wpłaty: 11

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3 800
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Jak założyć zbiórkę na to największy i najpopularniejszy w Polsce serwis do tworzenia internetowych zbiórek pieniędzy. To narzędzie, które umożliwia każdemu i całkowicie za darmo założenie zbiórki w kilka chwil.

Dzięki w łatwy i bezpieczny sposób zbierzesz fundusze na to, co dla Ciebie ważne pokrycie kosztów leczenia, wsparcie bliskich w trudnych chwilach i na inicjatywy bliskie Twojemu sercu.

Krok 1:Chcesz założyć zbiórkę, ale nie wiesz od czego zacząć? Nie martw się! Obejrzyj krótki film poniżej, który tłumaczy, jak działa

Krok 2:Zbiórkę na przygotowujesz i publikujesz samodzielnie. Nie przejmuj się - założenie zbiórki trwa dosłownie kilka chwil i jest prostsze, niż myślisz. Sprawdź poniższy poradnik.

W momencie tworzenia zbiorki możesz wybrać, czy chcesz ją prowadzić samodzielnie czy ze wsparciem Pierwsza opcja jest całkowicie darmowa. Jeśli natomiast zdecydujesz się na promowanie zbiórki z naszym wsparciem, będziemy przypominać o Twojej zbiórce i zachęcać do wpłat osoby, które ostatnio odwiedziły stronę Twojej zbiórki (tzw. retargeting).

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Krok 3:Twoja zbiórka jest gotowa, czas zacząć działać! Nikt nie wypromuje Twojej zbiórki tak jak Ty, dlatego pamiętaj, żeby udostępniać ją we wszystkich mediach społecznościowych: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn czy YouTube i TikTok. Zacznij od rodziny i przyjaciół - poproś ich o udostępnienie i zachęć do wpłat. Wyślij znajomym linka do zbiórki z krótkim opisem na Messengerze, SMSem lub mailowo. Następnie skontaktuj się z lokalnymi mediami z prośbą o publikację Twojej zbiórki oraz zaangażuj w promocję okoliczne organizacje społeczne, władze samorządowe, instytucje oraz osoby znane w Twojej okolicy.

Pamiętaj, im więcej osób dowie się o Twojej zbiórce, tym większa szansa na osiągniecie celu! Więcej porad znajdziesz w ebooku, jak założyć i prowadzić skuteczną zbiórkę. Znajdziesz go w swoim panelu zarządzania zbiórką po jej stworzeniu. Sprawdź również naszego bloga, w którym dzielimy się praktycznymi poradami i wskazówkami.

Krok 4:Wszystkie osoby odwiedzające Twoją zbiórkę mogą szybko i bezpiecznie wpłacać na nią pieniądze, np. przy użyciu przelewów internetowych, kart kredytowych, tradycyjnych przelewów bankowych, a nawet na poczcie! Wpłaty księgują się natychmiast. Wszyscy widzą, jaką kwotę udało się już zebrać i mogą zapraszać do zbiórki kolejne osoby.

Krok 5:Pieniądze ze zbiórki możesz wypłacać na konto bankowe w każdej chwili i tak często, jak chcesz. Wypłata pieniędzy trwa na ogół 3 dni robocze. Wypłata nie spowoduje zmiany stanu licznika wpłat na stronie Twojej zbiórki. Możesz dalej zbierać pieniądze, a zbiórka będzie trwać aż do momentu, gdy zdecydujesz się ją zamknąć.

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