Zbiórka Saving Cisco and Chuck - zdjęcie główne

Saving Cisco and Chuck

4 200 zł  z 11 000 zł (Cel)
Wpłaciło 69 osób
Mateusz Glod - awatar

Mateusz Glod

Organizator zbiórki

Dear Cisco Folks, 

I'm reaching out to you again as there are 2 beautiful horses to be saved. Two special horses which can be named Cisco and Chuck, if we would manage to buy them from the slaughterhouse (their story will be place below). 

Przystan Ocalenie (Salvation Heaven) agreed to named them after Cisco, but they need our help to save them. The cost is big, and it just the beginning of the expenses. They had a really hard life and now deserve to have a second life, where they will not have to fear any pain or hard work. 

I know it is a big ask, but please help me save Cisco and Chuck, which everybody from Cisco will be able to visit, volunteer and help other saved animal. 

Their story... 

From the forest to the slaughterhouse...
Whenever we do not turn around, there is always a needy creature waiting for us... Recently, however, our animal misfortunes appears in pairs... We did not plan to save so many horses because it seemed impossible, unreal... in the last months we got a lot of information about animals in need, whenever we could, we did not refuse. Thanks to this, it was possible to save Szansa, Mateusz, Roma, Karo, Arka and take Czesia to us. Whoever observes our profile knows that we are currently fighting in the clinic for the life of a 6-year-old mare saved from the slaughterhouse. Next to her, and in fact bound with her, was another mare, equally battered and humiliated... Dominik promised them that he would take them both... He did everything not to separate them, because in such a situation he was no longer able to choose... Dominik succeeded, Holi and Karusia came to Przystań. At the same time, our Dorota found out about two horses whose fate and history are particularly close to our hearts and move us particularly strongly. We are talking about horses from the forest... The life of such horses is particularly difficult, basically it consists only of hard work in difficult conditions. Each time they pay for it with their health. When Dorota saw their photos, she couldn't look away... They are so small and they worked so hard... Secretly from Dominik, she decided to fight for these lives and, like him, she promised that she would do everything in her power to save them before death. Neither Dorota nor Dominik are able to refuse, they are not able to choose. We know this is madness, but recently so much bad is happening around us that at least this one time we do not want to choose... Our whole life is continuous choices, games in God, who to spare life and who to condemn... to pick up after the last choice of 4 horses out of more than 20 .. Here the choice is much smaller and our possibilities are much greater, therefore we risk. For them... We want someone to do something for them for the first time in their lives and not for them... unfortunately, the stakes are much higher here - it's about their lives.
Horses are faithful companions and amazing workers. Loyal devotees… The problem is with people who use their trust, their devotion and exploit these poor animals beyond their strength. One of the hardest working group of horses are those that work in the woods, while skidding trees. There are accidents there, and their bodies are severely strained there due to the great effort of more than horses... We had a lot of horses from the forest... We saved a lot of forest workers. They are always horses that require a lot of help from a vet, treatment . There used to be a horse in Przystań that, although it lived with us for a long time, stood by the cart every day. He waited for someone to strap him on and be able to work .. Before he came to us, he worked hard every day. He was such a faithful worker... that even when he didn't have to work anymore, he would still stand by the wagon... thin, lame and sore... he still wanted to be useful... Our hearts were breaking, we were leading him to the pasture .. but anyway whenever he saw the wagon, he would stop and wait. And so it was until the end… as long as he had the strength. Forest workers once again appear on our way. They are 12 and 20 years old. This is not the right age to die... Neither is... Hungry, one with a sore leg that was crushed by a tree while he was working... How to refuse to save them? How to refuse help? When you look at their damaged bodies and know that nothing good has ever happened to them... that hard work is something that was their everyday life. However, they could not count on food every day... They were completely objectified... As the machines were only supposed to work and when they lost their strength and were no longer efficient, they were simply sentenced to death... They were sentenced .. They were just waiting for their end... We know that lately we are asking a lot. Many of these horse convicts appeared on our way... There are many pleas for help from all sides, but we have no choice. Such animals have no one anymore, they are treated only as kilograms of live meat... We are their last hope, the only chance for a change and Save their lives... Please, fight with us for these tortured creatures...


  • Anonimowy Darczyńca - awatar

    Anonimowy Darczyńca


    robisz super robote Matt. Trzymam kciuki!

  • Slawek - awatar



    powodzenia Matt!

4 200 zł  z 11 000 zł (Cel)
Wpłaciło 69 osób
Mateusz Glod - awatar

Mateusz Glod

Organizator zbiórki

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Wpłaty: 69

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Anonimowy Darczyńca

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